MyPal Online School

MOOCs graduate to the next level – Computer Science degree online from Georgia Tech and Udacity

12 September 2013 By In MyPal Blog

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Recent article in NY Times reports that Georgia Tech in collaboration with Udacity will offer MS degree in Computer Science for students worldwide using the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) model that was pioneered by Coursera, edX, Udacity and MIT OCW.  The cost will be less than the cost for on campus program in computer science and the students don’t need to worry about boarding and lodging costs besides completely avoiding any need for US Visa. [Read More]


MyPal Online welcomes these developments in higher education.  MyPal is applying an online education model that was developed well ahead of the MOOCs, especially for talented high school students, wherein the online course material (developed by subject experts, instructional design experts, graphic designers and QA experts) is supplemented with MyPal Tutors and value adds like Discussion Forum and Virtual Classroom.  MyPal believes that Future of Education even in the case of High Schools will evolve into a technology driven learner centric model illustrated below.

Read 6442 times Last modified on Monday, 31 August 2015 13:41
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