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1st International Conference on Research in Education and Curriculum Planning for Gifted Minds

03 February 2014 By In MyPal Blog

Michael Jordan, Lady Gaga and Angelina Jolie. Most people can probably name some award-winning athletes, musicians, and actors. But, if you were asked to name the winners of last year’s Nobel Prizes in Economics, Physics, or Literature, could you do it? Read the full article…

Hope the 1st International Conference on Research in Education and Curriculum Planning for Gifted Minds (4th to 6th Feb, 2014 in New Delhi) will draw the attention of Indian educators, curriculum planners and policy makers so that bright students can reach their maximum potential, globally by winning recognition and other honors, instead of proving their mettle through cracking the plethora of entrance exams in India.

Keynote address at the above conference is by Prof. Rena F. Subotnik, PhD is Director of the Center for Gifted Education Policy at the American Psychological Association, whose monograph article on Rethinking Giftedness and Gifted Education in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Sep, 2011, is referred in the article in Science Daily. Other distinguished speaker include Prof.Sugata Mitra, Dr Laurie Croft, Prof. Sumita Chakraborti Ghosh, Dr. Adam Boddison, Prof. Joan Freeman, Prof Vijay Singh etc

Gifted Minds India

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