Eight years ago, Divya Gopisetty’s younger sister was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. Since then she kept up with current research regarding diabetes and worked in the neuroscience lab over the summer of her junior year in Stanford University School of Medicine. She was was chosen as an Intel Science Talent Search semifinalist for her research into “Novel Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy through Interruption of Stress-Activated Pathway in Caenorhabditis elegant”.
High Schooler Divya Gopisetty believes her research will not only open doors in the fields of neuroscience and endocrinology, but also connect the two in a previously underrepresented way. Read more
Students in grades 6-12 worldwide have the chance to win 1st prize $2000, 2nd $750, 3rd $500 and the winner of the People’s Choice award will receive $250, if they enter the Kavli Science In Fiction Video Contest. To enter, you must make a video 30 to 90 seconds long that shares your discoveries and states your case and fill out the entry form HERE . Last date to send entries MARCH 21, 2014.