- Does your child love computers? Who doesn't?
- Are you planning for your child to get into a top US University and not just IITs ? Check out how parents like you in the USA are preparing children to get into top notch Universities.
If you want your child to be ahead in the Technology race, think about the following :
- What most schools teach is by and large how to use a computer or computer software whereas what your child needs to learn is Computer Science !
- Schools have courses in ‘Computers and IT’, ‘Digital Literacy’, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) whereas what your child needs to learn is ‘Programming’ and ‘Computer Science’ and develop ‘Computational Thinking’
- Computer Programming may be an elective in High School curriculum and most students start real Computer Science courses in 1st or 2nd year engineering whereas the earlier your child starts programming, the easier it is and puts your child ahead of his/ her peers
- Scoring high in Tests is great but is it enough?…….Depth of knowledge, conceptual understanding, critical thinking and logical reasoning are what top colleges and employers are looking for these days.
Just as you are taking lot of effort in ensuring that your child is receiving the right education, not just through standard school curriculum but also through supplementary courses or tuitions, parents in USA have been enrolling their children in our online courses to help them get into top notch Universities like MIT or Stanford.
We have brought, for the first time in India, a series of computer science courses that are highly acclaimed in the US. Our computer science courses designed for secondary school students to get a head start even in top colleges.